Who to contact at SLI?

Do you have questions about a specific SLI service? Whatever your inquiry, our hotline has an answer for you. Alternatively, we shall help direct you to the appropriate place from where you can obtain an answer. You may enter in contact with us at anytime, depending on the urgency of your request, and your means of communication.

Hotline 24/ 7/ 365

In case of emergency, you may contact our hotline. Our service is operational 24/ 7/ 365 but located in Hong Kong Time Zone (UTC + 08:00). Please be considerate of the time you contact us, when it is about a commercial or operational inquiry, which is not an emergency.

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Commercial & operational issues

When your request is about a specific location, shipment, project, or office, you can contact directly our concerned Greater China office.

General inquiries

If you have other questions, that do not require a call, please email here-under the global SLI team.