Worldwide Network

Our network of agents is global, and encompasses all the countries of the world. Each agent is specialized in their own country and territory. Despite being conversant with international standards of communication, they are experts in the local culture, habits, transportation and logistics field, as well as with the local customs offices. They can find the best local solution that serves your global needs.

Each of our agents offers international freight services. Some of our agents offer logistics solutions, and we regularly cooperate with those for regional or global logistics solutions delivered to our long term customers. Please let us know in case you would like to receive an introduction. As far as E-commerce fulfillment is concerned, we cooperate with the strongest partners only, so as to guarantee the best level of service.

In Greater China (China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan), we have a privileged relationship with a 500,000 people strong local courier partner, that offers a unique level of services, and a complete range of solutions adapted to those specific markets. When delivering worldwide from Hong Kong, we use a pool of global courier companies, and facilitate for you the selection, arbitrage, and tracking process. You benefit seamlessly from this service directly from our Hong Kong office headquarters.